our Mission
To lead people to Jesus and help them follow Him.
Matthew 28:18-20 NLT
Matthew 28:18-20 NLT
our Vision
Inspiring people to live a total life in Christ.
Romans 12:2 NLT
Romans 12:2 NLT
All that we do at Total Life Church is based on our 7 core values.
These values define our culture as a church and are the core of our mission and vision to help people to know Christ.
These values define our culture as a church and are the core of our mission and vision to help people to know Christ.

Love is the greatest motivator. We cannot say we love God and not love our neighbor because God is love. We love people and will never stop loving people. We will love large and be incredibly patient. We are gentle and consistently kind to all. We are a safe place of shelter and will never stop believing the best for others.
God so loved that He gave and because we love God, we give. God loves a cheerful, prompt to do it giver whose heart is in his giving. Total Life Church is a place where we are intentional about our giving and being a blessing to others. Jesus went about doing good and we will do the same.
Dream Big
We make no small plans. We “think big” and “dream big” for the glory of God. We will never doubt God’s mighty power to work in us to accomplish everything He desires. We will be energized knowing that God will achieve infinitely more than our greatest request, our most unbelievable dream, and exceed our wildest imagination! God will outdo them all.
We believe in doing what is right even when no one is looking. We believe you are only truly happy when you walk in total integrity and walking in the light of God’s word. Walking in integrity enables us to live a fearless and confident life. We will seek excellence and integrity always.
We purpose in our hearts to share the gospel of Jesus. We believe everyone matters to God and that he wants the lost to be saved. We promote a culture of helping others connect with God to develop an authentic relationship with Him.
We are a diverse church that values the life of every human being. Jesus did not show any favoritism or partiality and we follow his example and oppose racism, prejudice, and hatred of any kind. We value the rights of everyone and know that Jesus died for all and His message is for all.
Total Life Church will be a multiplying church. We will be a church that plants other churches that plant other reproducing churches. We will focus on relational discipleship making and developing leaders who will transform the world. We will measure our success by who we develop and send forth rather than assets we accumulate only to leave behind. We will have fun in our work. We will deliver big to bring God glory. We will work with the energy of God.